Qlink WorkLeading captcha Outsourcing company in last 3Years

- Want to solve CAPTCHAs?
Get the official QlinkGroup software client for free! - Information page should always be opened for you to hear the overload alarm.
- Each CAPTCHA has to be solved within 15 seconds or you'll get suspended temporarily first, then permanently suspended.
- QlinkGroup will not be responsible for CAPTCHA count errors, if you are using third-party software to solve CAPTCHA instead of the official QlinkGroup software client.
- We will suspend your account forever…
- if you use third party software;
- if you try to run multiple instance of the QlinkGroup software client under the same account;
- if you don't follow the instructions to solve CAPTCHAs as they appear;
- if you were found typing garbage instead of properly solving CAPTCHAs;
- if you were kicked out often for not solving CAPTCHAs.
- Ban for Kicked Messages

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